Info from April 10th Drama Club Meeting
Please get your ITS points updated by Friday, April 18th. You can update on the points record you have already. There is a link in the post below that takes you to the Points Chart. You should track ITS points if you have been involved in any production this year. If you do not have a Points Record sheet already saved in your Google Docs account, come by and see Mrs. Howe or Mrs. Leffel for the link.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 23rd. Please plan to attend as we will be providing information about banquet, handing out ITS Officer packets (if you are interested in running for officer next year), voting for end of year awards and much more.
Dallas Summer Musicals HS Musical Theatre Awards show is on Wednesday, April 30th. If you have ordered a ticket for the show, you will be released from class at 3:00 that day to come to the theatre room to eat and get ready for the show. We will leave on the bus at 4:00. We will be providing further information about dinner for the event and how much money you will need to bring in to cover the cost of your dinner.