I.T.S. Points for Into the Woods
Into the Woods Cast and Crew :
In order to save time at the end of the year please update your International Thespian Society Points Sheets at this time. Points must be entered by March 2nd, 2017.
If you do not yet have a points sheet, follow these instructions:
- Log into Google Docs and go to this link – Blank Thespian Points Sheet
- MAKE A COPY of the document and name it as follows : First Name_Last Initial_Graduation Year (Example: Mitchell_D_2013)
- Enter in your information at the top of the document – leave induction year blank.
- Scroll down to the second page and using the Official Thespian Points System enter in your role and responsibilities for Into the Woods
- If you attended shop calls please list them one time and indicate how many shop calls you attended. Do NOT fill in the points for shop calls; Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Leffel will take care of entering shop call points.
- SHARE your document with Mrs. Howe (TatumA@friscoisd.org) AND Mrs. Leffel (LeffelL@friscoisd.org) and make sure that they can edit the document.
You will use the same points sheet for your entire WHS career, so be sure to keep it active in your Google Drive and update it following each production you are a part of. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Leffel or Mrs. Howe.