Tomorrow, May 15th, is the absolute last day to turn in your banquet RSVP and your banquet payment. You don’t want to miss out on a fun evening of inductions, awards, food and games! Our booster club officers will be up at school at 4:30 tomorrow to pick up all payments. Please print the form at the bottom of this post and return it with your check, made out to the Wakeland Theatre Booster Club.
Remember, banquet is when we induct our new ITS members, announce our ITS officers for next year, give out all of the student voted awards, recap the year, eat and announce next years show! I promise you won’t want to miss it!!!!
Your $25 ticket includes dinner and a $10 Dave & Busters game play card (for students only). If you have any questions please see Mrs. Leffel or Mrs. Dalfonzo before the end of the day on Monday.
We are also still taking nominations for our 2018-2019 Booster Club Officers. If you are interested, or you would like to recommend someone for a position please let Julie Cottrell know right away. Please see the post for Booster Officer Nominations for additional details. We hope you will consider serving in this capacity.