Drama Club/I.T.S. Angel Adoption Information
Each year our Drama Club and I.T.S. Troupe adopts an “angel”. “Angels” are less fortunate children in the Frisco community and we hope to provide gifts to our angel to make their holiday brighter. Details for our angel are below. All gifts need to be brought to Mrs. Howe no later than Monday, November 30th. They should be unwrapped and labeled with our angel’s ID number. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
ANGEL ID – 158-A
AGE – 14
SIZES: Pants: Adult 34×32
Shirt: Adult Large
Shoes: 12W
Coat: Adult Medium
Underwear: Boxers, sz. 34
NEEDS: Winter clothes, long sleeve shirts, hat, gloves
WISH: Headphones, Tablet, 3DS Games: Pokemon Omega Ruby, Legend of Zelda